Graduate Program in Letters and Linguistics
Areas of concentration: Linguistic and Literary Studies


The Graduate Program in Letters and Linguistics (PPLIN) was accredited by CAPES on December 16, 2015, Process 880/2015, and began operating on August 22, 2016.
With two areas of concentration: (a) Linguistic Studies; and (b) Literary Studies, the program is organized as a research center of excellence, aimed at training qualified personnel to carry out research and teach in the areas of Linguistics and Literature.
The PPLIN of the Teacher Training School of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ/FFP) at the São Gonçalo Campus – grade “4” at CAPES Quadrennial Evaluation (2017-2020), currently has 22 teachers with different expertises, who are part of the interdisciplinary field of Languages.
of Concentration
Linguistic Studies
The area of concentration “Linguistic Studies” comprises two lines of research: Linguistic Theory and Analysis and Language and Society. This area covers linguistic studies in their social context, based on studies describing the formal, cognitive, and communicative aspects of language. Language studies from theoretical and empirical perspectives of linguistic structure related to text and discourse are also of interest.
The line of research “Linguistic Theory and Analysis” focuses on the description of linguistic phenomena – phonetic, phonological, morphological, and syntactic, articulating it with the semantic and pragmatic dimensions of language – of natural languages, under different theoretical-methodological approaches.
This line of research involves projects aimed at understanding how discourses are dynamic and the socio-historical-ideological conditions of their production. In addition, studies on the production of written text, as well as processes of variation/change from synchronic and diachronic perspectives are the focus.
Literary Studies
The area of concentration in “Literary Studies” includes a line of research, “Literature, Theory and History”, which covers critical, theoretical, and historiographical studies of literary phenomena, as well as the relationship of literary discourses and texts with other discourses and other semiotic systems. From this critical and plural perspective, it aims to train professionals to work with literature in a critical, contextualized way, in dialog with other cultural products and with the cultural context of production, reception, and circulation of the work.
This line focuses on the literature study, its theoretical foundations, and historical reconfigurations. Thus, it turns to the currents and movements of literature and literary theory in different times and to their development and projection in contemporary times. This line of research is integrated by researchers who develop work in Literature from the 19th to the 21st century and other Arts, highlighting interartistic dialogue.
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